Chapter News

NABA National News

NABA Greater Indianapolis News


Welcome to NABA Greater Indianapolis!
One of the best parts of being in a professional organization is the opportunity to fellowship with other business professionals. Each member brings a certain uniqueness to the organization based on their personal, and professional experiences. We look forward to seeing you all at our next mixer. Bring a friend/coworker with you!

NABA Greater Indianapolis is Proud to be the Host Chapter for #NABAConvention 2020!
The Greater Indianapolis chapter is proud to be the host chapter for the 2020 NABA National Convention. Get ready...Indianapolis, here we come!  VIEW PROMO VIDEO

NABA Greater Indianapolis VITA Program Volunteers Needed
NABA is proud to announce its continued participation in the annual IRS Volunteer Income Tax Assistance (VITA) Program. VITA generally offers FREE tax assistance to taxpayers who cannot afford professional assistance. Participating volunteers will prepare basic federal and Indiana tax returns for low-income taxpayers who make $51,000 or less, including the elderly and people with disabilities. 

Volunteers Needed to prepare tax returns and greet folks!  LEARN MORE

NABA Greater Indianapolis Events

View the latest events by NABA Greater Indianapolis. VIEW EVENTS