Volunteer Income Tax Association (VITA)
NABA St. Louis - VITA Program
Our IRS-certified tax preparers work with our community partners to provide free tax assistance and bank consultation to low-to-moderate income earners, the elderly and disabled taxpayers. Click here for what documents to bring.
Service time: January to April
Tax Preparers: For low-to-moderate income earners, senior citizens and those with disabilities. You will prepare federal and state tax returns electronically. No experience necessary - we train you! We ask you to commit to tax law training of 12 hours and a minimum of attending four workshops preparing taxes.
Screeners/Greeters: Help taxpayers fill out Intake forms to make sure all necessary documents and information is available to have tax returns prepared. Also assist with scanning documents into the software and assisting with all areas of operating in a Virtual environment. We ask you to commit to about 28 hours of volunteer time. Four hours of training and a minimum of attending four workshops to assist taxpayers.
If you would like to volunteer to help in your community or have any questions, please send an e-mail to mrhines@charter.net with your name, email address so we can contact you. More information can be found in the VITA section at https://community.nabainc.org/stlouis/home about our program and operation dates.
MyFreeTaxes is a FREE service NABA offers in partnership with United Way and H & R Block.
You may be able to electronically file Federal & State tax returns online FOR FREE !!! CLICK HERE to get started www.MyFreeTaxes.com Link takes you to a secure site.
For Walk-in Sites and MyFreeTaxes: Electronic Filing Only. Direct Deposit of Refunds Available
Want your name entered into a pool to win cash prizes if you save part of your refund? Whether you come to one of NABA’s walk-in sites in St. Louis or use NABA’s online free tax site (My Free Taxes), you can participate in this program. Click here for more information about SaveYourRefund.
We are a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization and donations made to NABA are tax deductible. Click here if you would like to donate to support NABA’s outreach programs which include free income tax preparation.